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SFPD - Tournament
Bestyrer: Woody2000
Ophavsmand Indlæg
Fiorenzo Elba
Wed 06 Nov 2013, 16:58:53
Hi, I'm the creator of SFPD. We organize a RvS tournament every week. This is not a team tournament, but, a solo tournament. Everyone can participate. This is simple, kill a maximum of terrorists, in 20 minutes. The map will be randomly selected at the beginning of the week. The participants will have three chances. But attention, only the last test will be entered, you can stop whenever you want if you think you won't do better. The top 3 player will be recorded and posted on youtube. The winner get a Steam game.

It's what the tournament looks like :

Registration and rules :
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Fiorenzo Elba
Wed 13 Nov 2013, 19:22:46
English version of rules :
How register ? :
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Fiorenzo Elba
Thu 19 Dec 2013, 11:07:23
For the first time in the history of the SFPD-Tournament, it's not a SFPD member who won, neither a someone from France. So come try to succeed SaT !
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Fiorenzo Elba
Sun 05 Jan 2014, 14:55:59
To celebrate the 10th edition of the SFPD-Tournament, the SFPD organise a two players tournament from the 6th to the 12th of January 2014. This tournament is a "fun-tournament" and isn't take in count for the general ranking. There will be no price for the winner, but as always it will be recorded and the 3 first teams will be on YouTube.

For this tournament the rules change a little bit :
- the map is known a some days before and you can train on it
- you have 3 tries but only the best count
- one try end when one of the two member dies
- you MUST be 2 to do the tournament
- you dont have to be in the same clan do the tournament together (you dont even need to be in a clan)
- the map is chosen randomly (one of the ten map of the "solo-tournament") and also the camouflage color and the protection level (light/medium/heavy)

Results of the random choices :

- the map is Stargate II (SFPD - Tournament n°6)
=> download link for the map :
=> video of the 6th tournament :

- Gear : "Light Blue Camo"

Register :
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Allan Michael Nielsen aka Woody2000 aka AMN
Afviklings tid: 0.0381 sek, 0.0117 af denne på forspørgsler.