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Woody2000 ønsker jer alle et rigtigt

Woody2000 - Wed 31 Dec 2008 - 01:50:45
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Glædelig Jul

Woody2000 ønsker jer alle en

Woody2000 - Wed 24 Dec 2008 - 15:07:15
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DEA - Most Wanted mod released !

Thales100 finally released the long waited DEA - Most Wanted mod, check some features :

- Multiple zodiac, blackhawk, car and mini sub insertions and extractions
- Six brand new and hard missions that you can play MP Coop (strongly recommended) or SP
- One bonus SP mission ("Master Key")
- New classes of soldiers for MP and SP
- New weapon models to the players and opfor
- New custom firing sounds and sound effects
- Real life ballistics
- Colored kit icons
- Digital Tiger Stripe Hyper Stealth camo
- New characters
- 25 minutes time limit and "no team casualties" as objectives to all missions
- Coop tourney tool included - get you score after the end of each mission based on the time you took to complete it - the faster the better !

Please check more info and download link here.

Woody2000 - Mon 18 Aug 2008 - 01:18:18
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Sniper Team - The Longest Kill

Ultimate sniper mod for Ghost Recon by thales100 and lightspeed, the great coop tournament now available to the public !!

Features :

- TEN brand new amazing sniper missions that you can play MP Coop or SP

- Only two classes of soldiers for MP : sniper and spotter

- New resized scope mask to the sniper rifles

- Full screen spot scope 25x to the spotter

- New weapon models to the opfor

- New custom firing sounds

- Real life ballistics

- Colored kit icons

- New Digital Tiger Stripe Hyper Stealth camo

- New characters

- Six custom maps

- Compatibility addon included - play any mission you want with the new weapons, sounds and masks

-Important note about the scope masks :
As default modders have included scope masks for widescreen users.
Inside "Textures" of the Sniper Team mod folder you'll find a file called "Masks_normal.zip", simply unzip it inside the same "Textures" folder, overwriting when asked, to play with a 4:3 masks.
Modders have also included a "Masks_widescreen.zip" , so if you want to get back to widescreen masks after installing the 4:3 ones, just unzip it and overwrite when asked.

Please check more info and download link here.

Woody2000 - Sat 26 Apr 2008 - 21:31:49
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HK Assault Special 2 - GR1 VÃ¥ben Mod

Thales100 has released a new weapon mod for Ghost Recon, including a full new H&K weaponry plus three different SWORDS robots supporting you in two SP / Coop missions, check more info and download link here.

Woody2000 - Mon 07 Apr 2008 - 15:45:50
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Godt Nytår

Woody2000 ønsker jer alle et rigtigt

Woody2000 - Mon 31 Dec 2007 - 04:54:18
Læs/Skriv Kommentar: 0

Glædelig Jul

Woody2000 ønsker jer alle en

Woody2000 - Mon 24 Dec 2007 - 00:33:02
Læs/Skriv Kommentar: 1

SG 550 Sharpshooter - Nyt GR1 VÃ¥ben Mod

Thales100 and Shadows_Fall have released a cool weapon mod including the SIG SG-550 5.56mm Sniper Rifle, plus the HK MP7 and HK MK23 as secondaries.
There are many features in this mod:

-REMBASS II / AMDS system - turn it on "activating" the LCD display attached to the sniper rifle and detect enemy soldiers, wheeled and tracked vehicles
-New "human detected" symbol on the command map replacing the "red diamonds"
-Attach a supressor to your sniper rifle while playing
-Drop the bipod of your sniper rifle while playing and get extra accuracy when on prone position
-New sniper character with five different "HyperStealth" cammos to choose from - wood, jungle, desert, urban and winter
-Real life ballistics and firing sounds
-Colored kit icons
-"Softer" NV effect
-New custom scope mask - smaller
-14 new sniper kits with nades, extra ammo, HK MP7 and HK MK23 as secondaries
-SP and MP fully compatible
-New reticle to the binoculars
-Reticles without pips

More information and download link please check here .

Woody2000 - Sat 27 Oct 2007 - 04:22:15
Læs/Skriv Kommentar: 0

F-18 Strike - Patch 1.1 udgivet

Thales100 har udgivet en patch 1.1 for F-18 Strike mod, som indeholder et nyt fly, Nighthawk F-117, for at lave air strikes, check mere info og download her.

Woody2000 - Thu 20 Sep 2007 - 16:37:26
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F-18 Strike - Call Air Strikes in Ghost Recon

Nyeste mod fra thales100, nu kan du tilkalde luftstøtte mens du spiller Ghost Recon, i alle de missioner du vil !

Minimum system requirements (suggested):
-Celeron 2.2 GHz
-Geforce 4 TI 4200 128mb
or equivalent

Mere info og download link her.

Woody2000 - Mon 17 Sep 2007 - 17:13:54
Læs/Skriv Kommentar: 0

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Allan Michael Nielsen aka Woody2000 aka AMN
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