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Kalashnikov Armoury - Patch 1.1 udgivet

Thales100 har udgivet en patch 1.1 for Kalashnikov Armoury Mod, det inkluderer GP-25 40mm GL til fem AKs assault rifles, for mere info og download klik her.

Woody2000 - Mon 10 Sep 2007 - 00:33:13
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Kalashnikov Armoury v1.0

Nyt våben mod fra thales100, inkluderer 12 AK assault rifles, plus en mission og mange andre features, for mere info og download, klik her.

Woody2000 - Sun 09 Sep 2007 - 00:01:41
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LW15.499 Assault Rifle - Nyt Ghost Recon 1 Weapon Mod

Thales100 har udgivet et nyt weapon mod, introducerer til GR1 Leitner-Wise LW15.499 "Mini-.50" Rifle, plus mange fede secondary weapons, check listen, features og download link her.

Woody2000 - Sun 02 Sep 2007 - 05:11:35
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M110 SASS 7.62mm - Patch 1.1

Thales100 har udgivet en patch 1.1 for M110 SASS 7.62mm mod, med nye sniper kits, HK MK23 .45 pistol, osv..., check detaljer og download link her.

Woody2000 - Tue 28 Aug 2007 - 15:37:48
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M110 SASS 7.62mm - GR1 Weapon Mod

Endnu et cool weapon mod af thales100, tilføjer den nye M110 sniper rifle, check den her.

Woody2000 - Mon 27 Aug 2007 - 20:50:49
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Sniper Cannon 3

thales100 har lavet et nyt mod , "Sniper Cannon 3" , det er et GR1 mod med 44 cool nye sniper rifles, se på listen og billeder her.

Woody2000 - Sun 22 Jul 2007 - 00:12:25
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Barrett Rifles Mod - Patch 1.1 er her

Patch 1.1 er udgivet, thales100 har inkluderet mange sniper rifles med night vision scopes, plus special "night" reticles.


-HK MP7 4.6mm + 40 rounds magazine
-Desert Eagle .357 Magnum
-Barrett M99 .416
-Barrett M107 .50 + NV Scope
-Barrett M107 .50 SD + NV Scope
-Barrett XM500 .50 + NV Scope
-Barrett XM500 .50 SD + NV Scope
-Barrett XM109 25mm + NV Scope
-Barrett XM109 25mm SD + NV Scope
-Barrett M468 6.8mm
-Barrett M468 6.8mm SD

+ 66 new sniper, support, rifleman and heavy-weapons kits
+ Spot Scope 30x
+ New reticles, firing sounds, etc ...


-.50 and 25mm projectiles (weight adjustment).
-New model to the 25mm projectile.

Hent patchen her

Woody2000 - Tue 22 May 2007 - 00:54:36
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Igen et nyt VÃ¥ben Mod fra thales100

thales100 finished a new weapon mod for GR1, its called "Barrett Rifles v1.0" and includes a new and exclusive feature - BORS (Barrett Optical Ranging System), what means that IN GAME you can activate BORS and get extra accuracy and better (lower) stabilization time !
This make possible to the player quickly engage multiple targets at varying ranges with a .50 or 25mm rifle.
When you activate BORS, the LCD screen over the scope (please check the picture below) "turns on", what increases a lot the effect, specially when playing coop missions !
You can also, of course, deactivate BORS and get back the standart real life ballistics of the rifle you are playing with - and all this by simply pressing one key !

Additional features of the mod:

-Colored kit icons
-Real life ballistics to all .50 rifles
-Many real life firing sounds
-Custom reticles
-9 barrett rifles to chose from - .50 and 25mm, bolt action, single shot, semi auto, including supressed versions
-9mm pistols, frag nades and extra ammo as secondaries to all rifles

Get it here

Woody2000 - Sat 12 May 2007 - 04:22:53
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Nyt VÃ¥ben Mod fra thales100

thales100 have finished a new GR1 weapon mod, its called "HK Assault Special", it includes twenty two H&K assault weapons:

[ Læs resten... ]

Woody2000 - Fri 04 May 2007 - 17:02:29
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Woody2000 ønsker jer alle et godt Nytår

Woody2000 - Sun 31 Dec 2006 - 15:12:59
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Allan Michael Nielsen aka Woody2000 aka AMN
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